Ad hoc: Preliminary results for FY 2017

Ad hoc announcement by United Labels AG dated 19 February 2018
ISIN: DE 0005489561, WKN: 548956, Ticker: ULC

United Labels AG: Preliminary results for FY 2017

Positive trend and sustained surge in earnings

  • Group sales at €30.3 million
  • Operating profit (EBITDA) up significantly by €2.1 million to €2.5 million
  • New merchandising themes produce steady growth in Special Retail segment

Münster, 19 February 2018. United Labels AG (ISIN: DE 0005489561, WKN: 548956) recorded consolidated revenue of €30.3 million (prev. year: €32.4 million) in the 2017 financial year.

While the share of revenue generated from sales to discount retailers was scaled back as planned, revenue attributable to the high-margin Special Retail segment expanded significantly, particularly in Germany. As a result, the gross profit margin improved by 6.7 percentage points to 35.4% (prev. year: 28.7%).

The increased profit margin together with largely unchanged cost structures saw Group earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) expand more than sixfold to €2.5 million (prev. year: €0.4 million). Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) surged to €1.9 million (prev. year: €-0.4 million) and was thus within the guidance range for earnings announced at the beginning of the financial year.

Group profit for the financial year improved to €0.4 million (prev. year: €-1.8 million). Evidence of this positive performance was seen throughout the year as a whole.

In Germany, in particular, business within the Special Retail segment developed very well with regard to sales from "Pummeleinhorn" and "Diddl" merchandise. The company attracted a number of new specialty retailers and retail chains within these specific areas and significantly expanded its product range. By the end of the year, the number of specialty retailers supplied by the Group had risen to around 700, covering more than 1,000 stores in total.

All operating subsidiaries within the Group recorded a profit in fiscal 2017. Established in 2012, the start-up company Elfen Service GmbH developed particularly well; it handles the Group's e-commerce B2C business. Building on the significant upturn in revenue in the final quarter of the financial year just ended, this company completed the financial year in positive earnings territory for the first time. Against this background, United Labels AG acquired the remaining 20% interest in the entity at the beginning of 2018 (ad hoc announcement of 12 January 2018).

Further new merchandise themes are planned for 2018, in addition to an expansion of existing product ranges. Having signed a new cooperation agreement with the German Football Association (DFB), the company presented a selected range of products featuring the stars of the German national team at the first 2018 trade fairs for the placement of orders. Merchandise from this new theme is to be dispatched in Q1/Q2 2018, which also applies to the first products from the "Ralph Ruthe" licence and a new Snoopy collection designed for specialty retailers. Additionally, the company is planning to extend its reach by marketing the entire range of specialty retail products to other countries in Europe.

The full annual financial statements, including the outlook for 2018 and further details, are to be published at the end of March as part of the annual report.

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Weitere Informationen:
United Labels AG – Investor Relations
Gildenstraße 6, 48157 Münster

Tel.: +49 (0) 251-3221-0, Fax: +49 (0) 251-3221-960, E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.